Profile: Q&A with our Director Aaron Tass

Let’s start at the beginning; Why is building for you?

 For as long as I can remember I have been interested in the development and construction space however my pathway to becoming a builder is a little different than your typical story. 

Doing what I do today evolved from working in a number of different construction-related roles and not feeling satisfied. After school I studied structural and civil engineering at Uni and afterwards was involved in the design of a large array of projects including small scale works, high rise apartments and large land subdivisions in both the public and private sectors.

I then went on to study a master’s degree in order to move into more project and general management roles. I gained some invaluable experience however, which eventually led me to residential building and the reason why I now love what I do is working closely with the homeowner and being able to provide genuine value and improve their lives. It’s extremely fulfilling to be directly attributable to this and to produce a tangible, life changing product. There are always challenges but I enjoy this and only adds to the sense of fulfilment.


TASS prides itself on being more than just builders. How do you go beyond delivering the perfect product to provide exceptional value to your clients?

 When engaging and embarking on a journey with a builder there is more than just a new/renovated home being provided. In my experience, new builders are focusing just on the finished product, but experienced builders know it's also about the service – the entire building journey. This journey starts well before construction and extends for years after that. A quality and refined process is essential, which in addition to the quality of the home itself, combines into the overall experience. 

At TASS, we understand this. We focus on delivering exceptional value throughout the entire process, ensuring a positive experience for our clients and a home they'll love for years to come.

We have a number of systems and processes that combine to achieve this and offer three guarantees. 

  1. A commitment to the price and the mitigation of variations

  2. Extensions to the warranty and statutory obligation to the homes we build

  3. Assurance for a competitive build schedule and the payment of damages if this isn’t achieved

TASS is a multi-award-winning firm. What key factors contribute to your success in winning these accolades?

 A key ingredient in the delivery of a successful project comes down to the pre-construction process which at TASS is something we value highly and invest heavily in. 

Our talented team collaborates with clients and professionals for extensive planning (investigations, value engineering, documentation) before construction even begins. An imperative part of the process, this sets the stage for a seamless build by our highly skilled in-house team, coupled with a construction manager to oversee quality both in the build and process.

Further to the product quality component is TASS’s utilisation of rigorously vetted and trusted trade partners who share the same high standards and reliability. Sub-contractors generally make up at least 50% of the contracted value of work so it is imperative we are working with the best.

We also leverage trusted subcontractors who share our high standards.  Our focus on meticulous pre-construction allows us to tackle detailed architectural projects we're passionate about; highly detailed architectural homes.

 Of course, we are honoured and humbled by winning awards, however it is simply a bi-product of doing what we love and doing it well!

What advantages does having a design and construct approach under one roof offer over a traditional design/architectural service?

 Traditionally, a homeowner looking to re-build or renovate would engage the services of a designer/architect and work with them to create a set of plans and specifications that are then provided to builders to quote. This style of approach generally has a heavy focus on aesthetics and while this isn’t always the case there is definitely a disconnect with some designers and architects in the market.

 That’s not to pigeonhole everyone, we work with some very talented, practical architects who do have a thorough understanding of costs, however, statistics show that less than 20% of architectural plans actually make their way to the build stage.

I speak to many frustrated home owners who have spent tens of thousands on fees and consultants in order to obtain approval for something they find out years down the track can’t be built. This then forces an expensive redesign, only to seek pre-approval again, and the end result rarely is as good as it could have been if approached differently.

At TASS, we believe we have a better approach.

As a design and build firm our unique position allows us to advise collaboratively and holistically. In addition to aesthetics, creativity and technical design we provide insights from our construction standpoint and ensure buildability is considered. We empower clients with cost transparency. Understanding cost breakdowns helps clients prioritise features within their budget. The statistics of the new homes and renovations that we design coming to fruition is over 90%!


How does TASS leverage technology to enhance efficiency, communication, and project management throughout the construction journey?

TASS leverages technology throughout the construction journey to boost efficiency, communication, and project management such as the following:

Centralised Platform: Buildertrend, our cloud-based project management software, acts as our digital HQ. It integrates with tools for accounting, communication, and tasks, offering features like client portals, document management, real-time scheduling, and field data capture through iPads.

Enhanced Communication: We utilise video conferencing apps like Zoom and Teams for quick updates and project discussions.

Improved Planning & Visibility:  Building Information Modeling (BIM) software (Revit) allows us to create 3D models before construction, facilitating better planning and smoother onsite execution.

Streamlined Safety Management: Hazardco, a digital safety platform, provides project-specific safety plans, hazard management tools, and induction management for all personnel on our sites.

 Are there any insights into the future of construction and how TASS plans to adapt?

 The future of residential construction in Australia is likely to be shaped by several key factors including demographic trends, technological advancements, environmental concerns, regulatory changes, and economic conditions.

 My thoughts from more of a domestic residential construction standpoint are:

  • Sustainability: There is a growing trend towards sustainable construction as environmental awareness increases and more regulatory requirements surface around this. This includes the use of eco-friendly materials, energy-efficient designs, and technologies. I would expect the focus on reducing carbon footprints and meeting stricter environmental standards will continue to drive innovation in green construction practices.

  • Housing Density: With the ongoing urbanisation and population growth, there is an increasing demand for residential spaces that we are struggling to meet. This may lead to more high-density housing projects through planning changes such as manor houses, terraces, townhouses and lower density apartments

  • Regulatory Changes: Changes in building codes and regulations to enhance building safety and environmental sustainability will influence construction practices. This includes requirements for buildings to have a smaller environmental impact and be more resilient to changing climate conditions.

  • Affordable Housing: Housing affordability remains a critical issue in Australia. Government policies and incentives to address this issue, such as grants or subsidies, could influence residential construction trends.

  • Demographic Shifts: Australia’s ageing population may lead to increased demand for age-friendly residences, which are accessible and easier to maintain. Additionally, younger generations might prefer different types of residential settings compared to previous generations, influencing the types of residential constructions that are in demand.

  • Economic Factors: Economic conditions always heavily influence the construction industry. Interest rates, availability of construction materials, labour costs, and the overall economic climate can affect both the volume and type of construction activity. Post-pandemic economic recovery and global supply chain adjustments also play significant roles.

There are always demands and challenges in the construction industry which influence our decisions at TASS. As a company we are conservative and calculated and attempt to make informed, educated decisions to the best of our ability which I believe mitigates our risk and safeguards us for future impacts.

 I am heavily involved with the Master Builders Association and sit on the NSW Council as well as divisional president which keeps me up to date with what’s current in our industry and what we should potentially expect to occur. This helps TASS to be proactive with any impending changes etc. but at the end of the day we are riding the economic wave just like everyone else!

 The industry is constantly evolving and adapting and we try our best to remain fluid and open to change. We would be naïve to believe things will always be as they are and that we can't do something better. We strive for continuous improvement and it’s ingrained within our culture that each day we become 1% better than the day before.

At TASS, we are a truly collaborative design and build service where creativity, costing and constructability are holistically considered. 

Connect with us today to get started on your dream home.

Aaron Tass