Design Ideas for a Narrow Block

Narrow blocks are becoming increasingly popular in busy Australian cities such as Sydney, as each allocation of land is squeezed for all its worth. Often these blocks come with a more affordable price tag, offering a fantastic opportunity for those looking to be creative with their design.

A narrow block doesn’t need to be a challenge when it comes to building your new home – in fact, there are plenty of ways to take advantage of land that is longer than it is wide. Here are our top five design ideas for a narrow block.


1.      Use vertical space

So you don’t have a lot of wriggle room left and right….why not look up and down?

A two-storey design can introduce plenty of extra space, allowing you to maximise on your square footage and add value to your new home. Whether it’s a spacious master suite, a nursery or simply more flexible living spaces, a double-storey home enables you to spread out without compromising on outdoor spaces. It also offers a natural separation between spaces, creating an element of privacy for bedrooms.

If another storey isn’t an option, a split-level or mezzanine design is another way to introduce more space without encroaching on your alfresco dining areas or backyard.


2. Open-plan living

Open-plan living is integral to the design of a home on a narrow block, as it can immediately make an area feel warm, inviting and most importantly, bigger! By opening up rooms to create flexible living spaces, you’ll optimise the flow of your home, encourage natural light and ventilation. This is easiest to do in the kitchen, dining room and living room, as these spaces don’t traditionally require the privacy of bedrooms or bathrooms!

Open-plan living also offers the perfect way to integrate your outdoor living spaces, with the potential to create seamless transitions between your living spaces and alfresco dining or entertaining area.


3. Natural light

The best new homes in Sydney allow for as much natural light as possible. This is especially important for narrow homes, which are susceptible to being shaded by surrounding buildings.

Consider the orientation of your block in the design phase, engaging with the best angles of your home to ensure that you can capture as much natural light as possible. Aim to position as many windows on the north-facing side and install glass doors in between your indoor and outdoor areas to order to trick the eye into believing a space is larger than it is.

Skylights are a fantastic solution for small or narrow spaces, as they offer an alternative light source for spaces like kitchens or internal staircases. Another options is clerestory windows – sitting high above eye level, they allow for ambient lighting and clear up space for artwork or storage.


4. Colour palettes

Narrow blocks and dark colours do not go hand in hand. You want your space to appear light, bright and airy, and dark tones will do the exact opposite. So when choosing your colour scheme for your new home, opt for soft, neutral tones such as off-white, greens and blues, as well as natural materials like timber and stone. A great tip is to paint any wall trims and mouldings in lighter colours than your main walls, as it helps walls appear farther back.

For a little balance, add dark pops of colour through artwork and furniture.


5. Space-saving solutions

It’s likely that a narrow block is going to be short on storage. Counteract this by integrating smart storage in the design phase, with features like built-in wardrobes and shelves or hidden cupboards in hallways. You can also integrate storage into furniture like ottomans and beds with under-bed drawers.

While you’re thinking about space-saving, consider how you can eliminate ‘dead’ space in order to fully optimise your block. This could mean moving your hallway to the outside wall of the house so you can install windows along one side, introducing yet another light source.

Designing and building on a narrow block takes careful consideration and planning to ensure you get the most out of your home. Tass Construction Group will help you create the perfect design to meet your needs and build it in a way that adds value for years to come. To discuss how we can help you on your narrow (or not so narrow) block, contact us today.

Aaron Tass